Sunday, October 18

The Cost of Freedom

"The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."
"If you want a symbolic gesture, don't burn the flag; wash it."
Norman Thomas (1884-1968)
U.S. Socialist Presidential candidate

"Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed."
Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929 – 1968)
American clergyman, activist

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."
John F. Kennedy (1917 – 1963)

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing"
Edmund Burke (1729-1797),
British statesman and philosopher

"Neither a wise nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of history to wait for the train of the future to run over him."
"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight - it's the size of the fight in the dog."
Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890 - 1969)

"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity."
George S. Patton (1885 – 1945)

"Diplomats are just as essential to starting a war as soldiers are for finishing it.... You take diplomacy out of war, and the thing would fall flat in a week."
Will Rogers (1879-1935)

"There are good men and bad men of all nationalities, creeds and colors; and if this world of ours is ever to become what we hope some day it may become, it must be by the general recognition that the man's heart and soul, the man's worth and actions, determine his standing."
"Wars are, of course, as a rule to be avoided; but they are far better than certain kinds of peace."
"A man who is good enough to shed his blood for his country is good enough to be given a square deal afterwards."
Theodore Roosevelt
"I don't know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

"In time of war the first casualty is truth."
Boake Carter (1899-1944) aka Harold Thomas Henry Carter,
American national news commentator

"The Americans will always do the right thing... After they've exhausted all the alternatives."
Winston Churchill, Sir (1874-1965)

"The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep's throat, for which the sheep thank the shepherd as his liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act, as the destroyer of liberty. Plainly the sheep and the wolf are not agreed upon a definition of the word liberty; and precisely the same difference prevails today among human creatures."
Abraham Lincoln (1830-1861)

"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security"
Benjamin Franklin (1706 – 1790)
American inventor, journalist, printer, diplomat, and statesman

"I'm not afraid of the man who wants ten nuclear weapons, Colonel. I'm terrified of the man who only wants one."
                                           from the movie 'The Peacemaker' (1997)

"There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action."
"None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749–1832
German writer and polymath

"There is nothing more dangerous than stubborness and arrogance in action."

"For every man who lives without freedom, the rest of us must face the guilt."
Lillian Hellman (1905 – 1984)
American playwright

"None who have always been free can understand the terrible fascinating power of the hope of freedom to those who are not free."
Pearl S. Buck (1892 — 1973) aka Sai Zhen Zhu,
American writer

"You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once."
Robert A. Heinlein (1907 – 1988)
American science fiction writer

"Freedom is not enough."
Lyndon B. Johnson

"There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountaintop of our desires."
Nelson Mandela

"Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility."
Sigmund Freud

"I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations."
James Madison

"Power in defense of freedom is greater than power in behalf of tyranny and oppression."
Malcolm X

"Freedom is a right ultimately defended by the sacrifice of America's servicemen and women."
Arnold Schwarzenegger

"Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose ~~~ nothing ~~ if it ain't free"
Kris Kristofferson