Thursday, February 4

"True" Friend Test

There was an e-mail that went around as a chain letter, you may have received it, but not from me. I've amended it to be a "True" Friend Test. The amendments are underlined and in blue.
Was - Friend Test - now it's the True Friend Test

This is NOT a test of the Emergency Friend System. This is only a test of HOW TO BE A FRIEND

A Friend............................

A)ccepts you, and is accepted by you
B)elieves in "you", and helps you believe in you
C)alls you just to say "HI", but doesn't expect you to be there to answer the phone
D)oesn't give up on you, and doesn't let you give up on you
E)nvisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts), but doesn't try to remake you
F)orgives your mistakes, and expects the same in return
G)ives unconditionally, but even more, receives unconditionally
H)elps you, and expects you to help you
I)nvites you over, but expects you to know when to leave
J)ust wants to "be" with you, but not impose on you
K)eeps you close at heart, and always in their heart
L)oves you for who you are, and even more for who you think you are
M)akes a difference in your life, but doesn't expect you to change your life
N)ever Judges, but will listen to your judgements
O)ffers support, but shouldn't be a crutch
P)icks you up, but not so high you will get hurt trying to get down
Q)uiets your fears, and calms your exuberance
R)aises your spirits, but not your skeletons
S)ays nice things about you, especially behind your back
T)ells you the truth when you need to hear it, and lies when even the truth won't help
U)nderstands you, even when you don't understand you
V)alues you, but doesn't put a value on it
W)alks beside you, but will pull you in the right direction and even will push you if you need it
X)-plains things you don't understand, and accepts that you may never understand
Y)ells when you won't listen, and whispers when you don't know how to listen
Z)aps you back to reality, and will help you to reach for your fantasies

"Flexible people don't get bent out of shape, but even trees can be blown over by a big wind or burnt by a random lightning storm."

A true friend doesn't expect you to try to count how many friends you have (by asking you to send an e-mail), but to accept all those who want to be your friend. So the rest of the chain letter doesn't matter, not to a TRUE FRIEND------ not in the slightest.

(of course, a true friend doesn't need to be tested!!!!!!!!!)


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